Saturday, July 7, 2012

A Great Saturday

Today Jeremy, Chloe and I had the priviledge of going over to Issaquah for the afternoon, along with Jeremy's mom to see Jennifer, who is celebrating her 30th birthday tomorrow. It was a great afternoon of fun, food, cake and laughter. We started off the afternoon by getting pedicures while the boys watched the babies for us (thanks again husbands!) Then we went back and had some family time, had lunch and cake and sang "Happy Birthday" to Jen. Chloe had a great time playing with her cousin Tessa, and seeing baby Jayda for the first time! We ended the night by having our friends, Brynn and Justin and their daughter Madisyn over to watch the UFC fights. This has pretty much been a tradition with us, to get together, almost every time the fights are on.
Grandma Connie reading a story to Tessa and Chloe
Chloe and Madisyn watching "Spongebob" while the adults watch the UFC fights :)